Square Root Calculator

Square Root Calculator

Determine the square root of both positive and negative numbers using our Square Root Calculator. It accurately identifies the principal root and checks if the number is a perfect square.

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What is a Square Root?

The square root of a number x is a value y such that y^2 = x. In other words, it is the number that when multiplied by itself gives x. Every positive number has two square roots - one positive and one negative value. However, by convention, we generally only refer to the positive square root as the principal square- root of a number.

For example, the square roots of 9 are 3 and -3 since 3^2 = 9 and (-3)^2 = 9. But the principal square root of 9 is just 3.

The square root symbol √x is used to denote the principal square root of x. So multiply by √9 = 3.


Why are Square Roots Important?

Square roots have many practical applications across different fields like:

  • Mathematics: Solving quadratic equations, simplifying radical expressions, calculating areas and volumes of geometric shapes.
  • Physics: Computing magnitudes of vector quantities like displacement, velocity, acceleration, force etc.
  • Engineering: Determining beam deflections, signal attenuations, electric circuit analysis.
  • Computer Science: Square root decomposition in algorithms, digital signal processing.
  • Finance: Calculating compound interest rates, pricing of options and other derivatives.

Understanding how to find square roots is therefore crucial. Our free square root calculator below makes this easy!

Using the Square Root Calculator

To use this calculator:

  1. Enter the number whose square root you want to find in the top field.
  2. The calculator will instantly display the principal square root in the bottom field.

For example, if you enter 100 in the top field, the calculator shows √100 = 10 in both the sides and bottom.

You can also use the calculator in reverse to find the square of a number by entering the original number in the bottom field. Try entering 5 in the bottom - it shows that 5^2 = 25.

The calculator can find square roots for any positive number up to 15 decimal places of precision.

Some Example Square Root Calculations

Let's go through a few examples to understand how to interpret the calculator output:

  1. √16 = 4 The calculator shows that the square root of the perfect square 16 is simply 4, since 4^2 = 16.
  2. √2 ≈ 1.41421 For non-perfect squares like 2, the calculator displays the square root value accurate to 15 decimal places. You can round it to the desired number of decimal places as needed.
  3. √-4 = 2i For negative numbers like -4, the calculator returns the principal square root value in terms of the imaginary unit i, where i^2 = -1. This ties in with the fact that no real number when squared gives a negative value.
  4. √0 = 0 Zero is the only number whose square root value is itself.
  5. ∛27 ≈ 3 The calculator can find roots of any positive order n by using the checkbox. Here it shows the cube root of 27 is approximately 3 since 3^3 = 27.

So whether you need to calculate square roots for algebra, quadratics, Pythagorean triples, simplifying radicals or any other application, this calculator is a fantastic tool. And if you want to understand the mathematical details behind finding square roots, read on!

How to Calculate Square Roots Step-by-Step

For most numbers that aren't perfect squares, it's impossible to get the exact square root value. However, there are methods to calculate square roots up to any desired degree of accuracy.

Here is one simple process you can follow manually to find an approximate square root of 25 value:

  1. Make a rough estimate: Identify the nearest perfect square root values that the number lies between. For example, if finding √20, we know 4^2=16 and 5^2=25, so √20 lies between 4 and 5.
  2. Take the average: The square root will be roughly the average of the two bounding perfect square root values. For √20, that is (4+5)/2 = 4.5
  3. Iterate to improve:
    • Calculate x^2 where x is the estimate from Step 2. For √20, (4.5)^2 = 20.25
    • Take the average of the estimate x and the original number divided by the estimate: (4.5 + 20/4.5)/2 = 4.47
    • Repeat this iteration, replacing x with the new estimate until desired accuracy is reached.
  4. Round appropriately: For √20, just a couple of iterations gives 4.472 which can be rounded to 4.47 or even 4.5 if lower precision is acceptable.

Let's try another example to make this process clear:

Finding √12 Step-by-Step

  1. Rough estimate: We know √9=3 and √16=4, so √12 lies between 3 and 4.
  2. Initial estimate = (3+4)/2 = 3.5
  3. Iteration 1:
    • (3.5)^2 = 12.25
    • New estimate = (3.5 + 12/3.5)/2 = 3.464
  4. Iteration 2:
    • (3.464)^2 = 12.0013
    • New estimate = (3.464 + 12/3.464)/2 = 3.4652
  5. Iteration 3:
    • (3.4652)^2 = 12.0000049
    • New estimate = (3.4652 + 12/3.4652)/2 = 3.4641

We can stop here since the last estimate 3.4641 squared is extremely close to 12. So √12 ≈ 3.464.

The same process can be used to find any square root to whatever precision is needed. Of course, using a calculator makes the process much faster and easier! But understanding the underlying logic is useful.

Properties of Square Root Function

Square roots follow some important algebraic properties and rules that are helpful to know:

Multiplying and Dividing Square Roots

  • √a x √b = √(a x b)
  • √a / √b = √(a/b) (Note: The order of division can't be reversed!)

For example:

  • √6 x √2 = √12 = 2√3
  • √18 / √2 = √9 = 3

Adding and Subtracting Square Roots

The rules for adding a root and subtracting square roots are a bit tricky:

  • √a + √b has no further simplification
  • √a - √b has no further simplification
  • m√a + n√a = (m+n)√a
  • m√a - n√a = (m-n)√a

In the last two cases, we are adding/subtracting the coefficients of like square root terms.

For example:

  • √5 + √3 cannot be simplified further
  • 2√7 - 3√7 = -√7
  • 4√2 + 7√2 = 11√2

Rationalizing the Denominator

When a square root appears in the denominator of a fraction, we can get rid of it by multiplying the numerator and denominator by that square root value. This is called rationalizing the denominator.

Example: (5)/(√3) = (5 x √3)/(3) = (5√3)/3

Squares of Sums/Differences

These formulas are useful for squaring binomial expressions involving square roots:

  • (a + √b)^2 = a^2 + 2a√b + b
  • (a - √b)^2 = a^2 - 2a√b + b

For instance:

  • (3 + √5)^2 = 3^2 + 2(3)√5 + 5 = 9 + 6√5 + 5 = 14 + 6√5
  • (4 - √7)^2 = 4^2 - 2(4)√7 + 7 = 16 - 8√7 + 7 = 23 - 8√7

Applications of Square Roots

Square roots appear in numerous areas of mathematics, science and real-life situations. Here are some common applications:

Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean theorem relates the sides of a right-angled triangle. If the lengths of the two perpendicular sides are a and b, and the length of the hypotenuse (longest side) is c, then:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

This means we suppose that to find the length of the hypotenuse c, for instance, given the other two side lengths a and b, we take:

c = √(a^2 + b^2)

Square roots are therefore essential for solving problems involving right-angled triangles in geometry, trigonometry, navigation and many other fields.

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic equations are polynomial equations of degree 2, taking the form:

ax^2 + bx + c = 0

The solutions to such equations always involve square roots. Using the famous quadratic formula, if a ≠ 0, the two solutions to equation a are given by:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Square roots are indispensable for solving this most fundamental type of polynomial equation.

Distance Formula

In geometry and vector analysis, the distance d between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a plane is given by the distance formula:

d = √[(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2]

This formula relies on finding the square root of the sum of squared differences between the coordinate values.

Math and Arithmetic Sequences

In sequences and series, square roots appear in solving problems involving:

  • Arithmetic sequences with first term a and common difference d
  • Geometric sequences with first term a and common ratio r

For example, the nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by:

an = a + (n-1)d

And for a geometric sequence:

an = ar^(n-1)

Square root patterns and calculations are crucial in analyzing such sequences.

Other Applications

Some other major areas where square roots are heavily used include:

  • Simplifying radical expressions in algebra
  • Calculating areas and volumes of geometric shapes
  • Vector analysis and calculus
  • Complex number mathematics
  • Signal processing algorithms
  • Financial mathematics like interest calculations
  • Root finding numerical techniques
  • Higher theoretical physics concepts

Clearly, having a solid grasp of square roots is extremely valuable across multiple quantitative fields! With this guide and our online calculator, you have what you need to begin to master square root calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find the square root of a number?

There are four main methods to find the square root of a function returns a given number:

  • Prime Factorization Method: Factor the number into its prime factors, group perfect squares, take the square root of the remaining factors.
  • Long Division Method: Use long division in reverse, similar to finding a square root by hand.
  • Estimation Method: Make an initial guess and refine it iteratively through repeated subtraction or another process.
  • Calculator/Square Root Function: Use a calculator, computer software or an online square root calculator like ours to instantly find the square root.

Can I use this root calculator to find cube roots or fourth roots too?

Yes, absolutely! Our calculator can find roots of any given number of positive integer order n by using the "nth Root" checkbox. Simply check it, enter the root value n, and input the number whose nth root you want to calculate.

How do I calculate the square root of negative numbers?

Negative numbers do not have real square roots. However, we can take two negative numbers and find their square roots in the complex number system involving i = √(-1). The square root of a negative number will be a complex number. For example, √(-25) = 5i.

What if I need to find square roots of very large numbers?

Our square root calculator can handle finding square roots of numbers up to 15 decimal places in value. For extremely large input numbers, it may be better to use prime factorization or another manual method first to simplify the procedure before calculating roots.

How do I simplify a square root expression like √72?

To simplify a square root expression:

  1. Factor the number inside the radical symbol
  2. Pull out any perfect square factors from under the root
  3. Take just the square root of the remaining factors

For √72 = √(36 x 2) = √36 x √2 = 6√2

The calculator returns a long decimal value, how do I know if it's a perfect square number?

If given input number and the result obtained is an integer (whole number), then the input number is a perfect square. Our calculator indicates this by displaying a message like "X is a perfect square" for such numbers.

What are some important properties of square roots?

Some key properties:

  • √(ab) = √a x √b
  • √(a/b) = √a / √b
  • √(a^n) = a^(n/2)
  • (a + √b)^2 = a^2 + 2a√b + b
  • (a - √b)^2 = a^2 - 2a√b + b

How can I use square roots to solve an equation?

Equations like x^2 = 25 involve square roots in their solutions. Using the square root operation: x^2 = 25
x = ±√25 x = ±5

Quadratic equations are solved using the quadratic formula which contains square and cube root of terms.

Are all square roots irrational numbers?

No, the square roots of perfect square numbers like 1, 4, 9, 16 etc. are rational numbers. Only the square roots of non-perfect, find the square root of positive integers are irrational numbers.

What is the difference between √x and x^(1/2) and the nature of the square root symbol?

There is no difference, both notations represent the same principal square root of x. While √x is the radical form, x^(1/2) is the exponential form for the same whole square root of 25.

autor image
Sophie Clipton
Published on
Jun 25, 2024