eBay Advanced Search - Top Tips & Tricks

The eBay Advanced Search is one of the best tools, that nearly no one uses, because it seems too complicated. This changes now in this Guide.
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June 25, 2024

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After being a Beginner in eBay searches, you need more tips to be a Pro. In this article, we will dive deeper into the advanced Search feature as mentioned in the Beginners Guide. HOWEVER, we will also include some more Tips. With that out of the way, let’s start with the advanced search.

The Advanced Search

Advanced Search Page

On the Advanced Search Page, you have a couple of options to choose between keywords, Search including, Price and so on. At first sight, it’s not really complex as it seems if we break it down in four segments.

Find Items with Advanced Search 

Find Items on Advanced Search

We will still search for the white dress shirt and we also can see, that the search bar and the category dropdown, from the normal page, are already in this segment, marked in green. The new additions are:

  • The “Exclude words from your search” box: You can write in the “Exclude words from your search” box words, that should not appear in your search results. For example “Used” and “Old” like in the picture. For multiple words to be excluded, you need to place a comma between each word.
  • The “All words, any order” Dropdown
  • In the “All words, any order” Dropdown, you find those options:
  • “All words, any order”: write all keywords that your item should have and your results will be presented in any order.
  • “Any words, any order”: write some keywords that your item should have and your results will be presented in any order.
  • “Exact words, exact order”: write exactly what should be in the title of the seller and your results will be presented in exact order.
  • “Exact words, any order”: write exactly what should be in the title of the seller and your results will be presented in any order.

Applying Filters with Advanced Search

Filters on Advanced Search

Like before, everything that is marked in green can be found in the normal filters after a search on eBay. This time, eBay added more filters to the advanced search like: 

  • Completed listings: Listings, that exceeded their Listingtime and are unavailable to search on eBay normally.
  • Sold listings: Listings, that that are already sold on eBay and are unavailable to search on eBay normally.
  • Classified Ads: Listings, where the Seller bought adverts on eBay for this Item.
  • Listings “Ending within “ “1 hour”: For Auctions, it lets you decide, which listings it should show you, depending on how much time it has left.
  • Numbers of bids from “1” to: “99”: For Auctions, it lets you decide, which listings it should show you, depending on how much bids it has.
  • Item listed as lots: That item, your search will be included in a multiple items Listing. For example, Listing title: “white dress shirt, Buttons, and sewing kit”.
  • Sale item: The results will have listings that have discounts.
  • Best offer: For “Buy it now”, the results show listings, where the Seller takes price offerings from his Buyers and decides, to whom he sells.
  • eBay for Charity: Results show listings, where your seller or you donate to various charities.

Sorting by Seller in Advanced Search

Searching Sellers on eBay with Advanced Search

In this part, you can search your item by also adding a Seller. Those aspects include:

  • “Include” “Seller”: You can select specific sellers by entering their seller user IDs. In the Dropdown, you will also find another option “Exclude”, where you can ban certain sellers from your search
  • My saved sellers list: This will include all your saved sellers in your search.
  • Sellers with eBay stores: This will include all sellers in your search, that also own a store that is listed on eBay.

Give yourself a better overview

Selecting how to view the results on the Advanced Search

All these preferences can be found at the bottom or the top of the results after a search attempt.

Advanced Searches Categories

Categories on Advanced Search

As you can see the green boxes, if you either select “Find items” or “By seller”, you will be directed to the normal Advance Search page or to the segment on the page. You can also search:

eBay Motors with Advanced Search

Here, you can enter all aspects you need, if you are searching for a Car or Boat or Parts from them.

Search by item numbers with Advanced Search

Every Listing has an item number in the top right corner of their description. If you know the exact number of a Listing, you can enter it here to find that Listing immediately.

Items in stores with Advanced Search

At first sight, it seems to be the same as if you would have clicked “Find item”. But that is right for some filter. Some filters have been added and some have been removed. However, if you select “Items in Stores”, you will always end up searching Seller that operates a shop on eBay.

Find Stores on eBay with Advanced Search

The “Find Stores” option lets you find Stores that operate on eBay and you can either search them with their full name or with keywords that are in their name.

Taken Advantage of Listings with Typos

People make mistakes all the time and nobody is really perfect all the time. That means, that some Listings will have a typo. It does not seem to be a big of a deal at first, but those Listings will not appear in the right spelling search and therefore might always have a low price. BUT eBay also notices those Listings as well and either direct the Listing to right spelled search or gives the Seller a Heads-up on his spelling before they release their Listing.

Typos on eBay

Saving a Search term

If you have a search term, that you frequently search or observe, eBay gives you an option to save it, so you do not have to write it down all the time in the search bar. You can find it later in the Advanced Search in the top right above the “Find Items” bar.

Saving a Search term on eBay

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