Getting your eBay account suspended can be very frustrating, even devastating. In particular, if you run a business and rely on the income it makes. Therefore it is very important to educate yourself on eBay’s policies so you won’t get suspended in the first place. In case it is too late and your eBay account is placed on hold, restricted or is even suspended, the below article will go over some of the steps to get your eBay account reinstated.
First things first, let’s understand the different types of eBay account suspensions.
Usually caused due to minor issues such as a late payment, which is the most common cause of accounts being placed on hold by eBay. Making a one-time payment on your eBay account will lift the hold.
eBay account restrictions are a bit more serious. Restrictions are placed on eBay accounts that do not meet eBay standards. This means that sellers must meet a minimum performance standard, if you are curious if you are meeting yours, you can go to your eBay Seller Dashboard. The specific causes for an eBay restriction can vary, based types of based on your late shipment rate, tracking uploaded on time and validated time, transaction defect rate, late shipment rate and many more. Account restrictions, can have an impact on your eBay business as eBay may lower your seller position in the search results or restrict you from selling certain items on eBay.
Account suspensions mean that you are not allowed to sell, bid, leave feedback or even message other users on eBay. This is the hardest form of account penalty that eBay can place on your account. eBay account suspensions occur only in extreme cases e.g. selling illegal items or engaging in hate speech.
eBay is a marketplace for buyers and sellers. It is in their best interest to ensure that the marketplace stays a safe place for both parties. You can read the full eBay listing policies here. This does not mean that some of the suspensions are fully justified. As a seller, you should always try to reinstate your eBay account.
Once you are ready to make the call make sure you have the following:
eBay’s customer support number is +1-866-540-3229
Last pointers before you call eBay, even if you did violate eBay’s policy, let the eBay customer representative know what steps you want to take moving forward to avoid any future violations.
We hope you found this guide useful, please comment below with any additional questions.
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